ARC Review: Forever Your Rogue

One of the things I’m immeasurably grateful for (beyond so many regularly measurable things) are romance books. In particular historical romance books. And any histrom fan will tell you a good one can TAKE YOU PLACES. It can hurt, it can make you dreamily sigh, and friends it can make you FEEL THE MOST FEELINGS YOU FEEL YOU HAVE EVER FELT.

Erin Langston’s Forever Your Rogue is that book. And I am thrilled (and trying to be cool about it) to be here sharing my advance review of her upcoming romance, coming your way February 28, 2023.

I’d like to thank Erin for an advance copy, thoughts below are my own, enjoy!

Instead of making unintelligible feral hyena sounds, I’m going to try to be calm and measured and straightforward about how much I f*cking loved this book, but friends it’s not looking good. High-pitched sounds incoming.

From the opening line to the last sentence of the epilogue, Langston took me on a journey. Her writing sparkles and easily stands next to the Shupes, Dares and MacLean’s of the world. Reader I laughed, I cried, I felt the deep and aching anxieties Cora was experiencing, oh and the joy. I FELT IT ALL.

Cora is our recently widowed heroine and mother of two ADORABLE babies in Leo and Tess, and they steal so many scenes. Not in over precocious ways but in quiet, deeply authentic moments that I dare you not to fall in love with.

She’s in a pickle, and needs a faux-beau to secure her legal guardianship of her children from the ODIOUS Carleton’s. So calling in a long owed debt, she reached out to “the very worst rogue” she knows in Nate Travers (and his damn dimples).

Nate is the easy, sun to Cora’s more stormy skies, and the chemistry, connection and banter throughout made my heart sing and my cheeks hurt from grinning at my kindle like a lunatic. While Nate is a rake and a rogue, he’s actually a soft-boi that just wants someone (anyone) to love him for him, to see him. To feel useful. To be needed. And friends, Cora’s little family fits him like a glove.

I loved watching Cora and Nate fall in love. But reader, watching him fall in love with those children?!? I am deceased.

Okay doing a hyena sound check? Hmm sounds pretty restrained still, good job me.

There are so many moments to lose your ever-loving mind over and Langston is so skilled at serving up soft moments, with tension and delicious open door intimacies (that were so full of love and longing that I felt a little like I was intruding).

There are good guys and baddies (that get their comeuppance) and, some heartache, and tearful reconciliations and I was living through each and every moment. But I want to give a special shout out to the epilogue. It (oh no I’m gonna cry again), was such a refreshing time jump in a way that both showed and told and make my heart full and throat achy.

This is why I love this genre and these books so much. Okay pals, grab this one on pre-order wherever you get your books, peep the book playlist Erin made (it’s great), and be sure to come tell me all about THAT scene, and how much it made you feel.

xo Kels


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