ARC Review: The Fastball

I count myself extremely lucky to be a romance reader. I’m a simple human, my needs are pretty easily met, and they make me happy.

But I count myself even luckier that Megan Cousins keeps writing romances that feel like home to my heart.

Y’all The Fastball, book 3 in her (absolutely no skips) Wild Pitches series is about to drop March 30th and y’all are NOT ready. Not ready at all for James and Amanda’s EPIC, heart-first and dare I say the most SWOONY romance she’s given us yet.

I’d like to thank Megan for an advance copy, mostly spoiler free thoughts are below. Enjoy!

At its core The Fastball is a soft, low-angst romance between two people that are working through complex traumas, grief and figuring out how to be read again. Yes thats right, read. I have such an admiration for how Megan tells stories about love, loss and the realities of chronic illness. But I think what so deeply appreciate about this series (that I swear was written JUST for me) is how Megan lets her characters be loved. And that is pretty much all you can ask for in a romance book right? The Fastball beautifully weaves past and present together while deftly navigating CPTSD, past emotional abuse from a deceased spouse, and what it means to be loved without conditions in a way that I think is going stick with me for a long time.

But, y’all IT’S ALSO A PEN PAL ROMANCE. Holy-frigging-bench-clearing-brawl was I so smitten reading Sweet Lou and Striker’s notes and emails. And watching them slowly fall in love through their letters (even while maybe both of them were a little unaware), was just the best.

And oh wow did I ever see myself in Amanda (right down to the bringing your own food, and suffering in silence because WHY BRING ATTENTION TO YOURSELF). Her late-grandfathers run down recently inherited house that holds so many warm memories is a perfect metaphor for where Amanda (aka Sweet Lou) is at when we first meet her. She’s the house y’all.

And that house (like Amanda) needs someone to help restore it. Shore up a strong foundation. Help it find its shine again.

From the moment Megan introduces us to James and Amanda (oh my god the plane meet-cute!) I was hooked. Signed up, and bought the f*ck in. I love them, your honor.

I loved the meta commentary on romance novels peppered throughout The Fastball and hello what book loving human wouldn’t just melt into a pile of romantic goo, for a custom built library to house all the books their person is gonna keep buying them.

“Books are my love language, let me do this for you” I AM UNWELL.

The Hutchinson family are goals and easily are on par among the perennial bookstagram favorite Bergmans. I think what Megan really needs to drop on us is a Hutch-Fam Cookbook (asking for a, friend which is me. I am the friend). Lots of family moments round out a book that is so warm, so earnest, so special that I might re-read it another couple times before it’s out March 30th 2023.

Please pick this book up, pre-order it or call your library to bring it in for you. And while you’re waiting for this one (and MLB’s opening day) read The Curveball and The Changeup free with KindleUnlimited or wherever you get your romances.


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