ARC Review: The Plus One

Friends! Hello again, it’s me the very chaotic person that runs this blog! I’m back with another advance review, this time for the undisputed queen of writing romances that make me laugh, fan myself and then ugly cry: Mazey Eddings.

I’d like to thank NetGalley and St Martins Press for the advance copy, thoughts below are my own, enjoy!

I loved Books 1 & 2 in this series so going into The Plus One I truly had some admittedly high expectations in place. Where Harper and Dan’s romance was light and a little fluffy (big booty judy not withstanding), and Lizzie and Rake’s was an OTT ride of a lifetime, Indira and Jude found their stride in deeply emotional and sometimes heavy moments. It’s been a joy to read these books and I have to say I loved this one JUST as much if not more than the previous two outings.

Indira, kicks things off with a peanut butter covered bang, when she walks in on her partner cheating on her with another woman. They are both (for some reason we sadly never get to the bottom of) covered in peanut butter, which does become a deeply funny callback throughout. It also serves as a moment of respite as this one covers some heavy mental health stuff.

Jude, Indira’s childhood nemesis (and older brothers best friend) has come home to celebrate the wedding of Collin and Jeremy. He’s also on a break from his Doctors without Borders gig and is dealing with an extreme case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He’s seen and experienced prolonged humanitarian crises, lost patients, and worked in disaster and war-zones. He’s struggling so hard to keep it together. Indira, fresh off the worlds most confusing break-up is just wanting to lick her proverbial wounds at her brothers house, but of course, that becomes immediately complicated with Jude staying there.

The chemistry (antagonistic) is truly off the charts between these two, which does morph into chemistry (antagonistically sexual) over the course of the lead up to Collin an Jeremy’s wedding. And, your honor I did thoroughly enjoy myself. The banter was a delight. And the perverse glee I experienced watching these two idiots try to make the other smile and laugh, made me smile at my kindle, a lot.

This, though is a realistic look at struggling, and seeking help, and wanting to get better but sometimes not knowing exactly how. Coupled with falling in love it did make for an emotional (at times) read. Mazey always does an excellent job representing the realities of mental illness, and the complexities we all carry with us as very flawed (but trying hard) humans. I felt for both of them, and was deep in my feels when they just keep choosing each other.

I loved how Jude told Chris what was up, and how Indira wanted to stand up for Jude when they were all trying to go camping. And that birthday gift? Swoon-town, population me. But there is also (always) a lot of joy and deeply funny humour in the way Eddings writes. Something about the references, wit and delightful way she has her MCs banter always makes her romances jump right off the page and burrow their way into my heart.

I think lots of folks will love this one (I know I did), and read with care some of the themes and experiences both characters have gone through may bring up big feelings. Check out her content warnings ahead of time and be gentle with yourself as you read.

I hope folks will absolutely pick up Indira and Jude’s romance, (not only because there are so many delightful cameo’s from Harper, Dan, Thu, Alex, Lizzie and Rake) when it hits retailers April 4th 2023!

xo Kels


ARC Review: Against The Clock


ARC Review: The Playing Game