The Weekly Recap

Y’all. Y’all. Y’ALL! The motherf*king fightins are going to the NLCS!!! I am so proud of them, and what a way to wrap up their divisional series. I’m still thinking about that bat spike.

This week on the romance reading front was not AS successful I fear. Playoff baseball is stressful AF and coupled with some busy days at work, meant I was wiped when my “reading time” would come around, plus my darn chronic illnesses were displeased with me. BUT not all was lost, I finally treated myself to a kindle paperwhite and wow I can’t believe I’ve been reading off an old iPad for the last two years. This changes everything.

Okay here’s what I read this week:

Finding Carly by Susan Stoker

I’ve struggled to put my thoughts together on this one since I read it earlier this week. Content warnings are crucial for readers. They are there to help folks that may struggle with, or be triggered by content, make informed decisions on what they may go through while reading. It may be an unpopular opinion but I believe they should be mandatory. At the very least they are a kindness to the people spending their time with your words and worlds. This book deals with child r*pe and prolonged CSA of a minor. There are no warnings about this sudden, graphic on page content. It was so graphic that I was so taken out of the story I could barely finish. It also comes up at about the 65-70% mark. While this would be a HUGE part of a MCs background and development it was “treated” and “cured” after 1 trip to a psychologist.

Please read with care and caution AND authors, you can tactfully and supportively share content warnings without “spoiling” your books. Do better.

Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean

Book 2 in the Bareknuckle Bastards series see’s Beast find his lady in Hattie. I loved this one. The like calling to like. The pining. The feminism. The partnership. I loved that Hattie wasn’t the typical historical romance hero, and the body diversity! Thank you Mrs MacLean. This one also really progresses the storyline with Ewan further and I cannot wait for him and Grace to work through their baggage in book 3.

Play With Me by Becka Mack (free with KU)

The follow up to Consider Me, features Beckett’s younger sister Jennie and his teammate Garret. Oh y’all did I ever love this one. It was a very sweet friends to lovers, with a outwardly shy golden retriever type guy and the outwardly standoffish tough-girl Jennie. I love this whole group and can’t wait for Adam’s (and possibly Jaxon’s??) books. Also shy guy on the streets, dominant in the sheets is my CATNIP. Yes please.